Last night I was thinking about our meal time prayer and how we not only ask Him to bless the food but we thank Him for things that happened throughout the day. Obviously, this is a great practice but I started thinking about it in a bigger way. I was trying to make a mental list of everything I have dreamed about since I was a child and how God has made it all happen! Well, I fell asleep thinking about it so when I woke up this morning I decided I was going to take an afternoon this week and write it all down...I think it will be a pretty big list :)
Today, ask your child what they are thankful for but don't just stop there! Stretch their minds to think about what are thankful for over a longer period of time than just today. Teach them to reflect. If they are school age, ask them how God worked in their lives this school year. You can ask them to be specific and maybe even turn it into a fun activity with poster board and markers. If they are much younger, ask them about yesterday or last week. Children tend to live in the moment but teaching them about "reflection time" brings about a greater appreciation of God and his amazing work in our lives!
Peace and blessings,
"So while it is true that Thanksgiving only comes but once a year, we should actually celebrate thanks each and every day. It's just a matter of learning to live with a spirit of gratitude." ~Unknown