Monday, April 14, 2014

Let Them See You

Hi friends,

One of the best things you can do for your child is to let them see you learning new things and challenging yourself. It is so important to be a life long learner, and it's equally important that you model that for your children, since they are constantly learning new things in school. They respect you for taking the risk and making yourself vulnerable to them! And if it's a challenge you can take on with your spouse, that's even better! Allowing your children to witness the two of you working together on a project is invaluable to them. So today, think about trying a new recipe even though carryout sounds easier, training for a 5K when you hate running, or planting a vegetable garden when you know that the deer are going to eat half of them! And when your husband constructs a faux greenhouse to protect them, be grateful that you have different strengths ;)

Peace and blessings,

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."
Chinese Proverb

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