Monday, June 23, 2014

Forever Friends

Good morning friends!

Wow!  It's been a busy weekend of festivities with the upcoming wedding in August. Our daughter Abby and her future husband Jimmy are having a very large wedding party and I was reminded this weekend when I saw them all together the importance of good friends in your children's lives.

As parents, we play a huge role in helping them understand what true friends are and model that in our own friendships.  Throughout your child's development,  teach them the necessary social skills to interact with others in a loving and respectful way. Pray they are surrounded by faith-filled people who always have their best interest in mind and make sure you talk to your child about the qualities of a good friend.  Children need to understand that their dearest friends should always be people who bring out the best in them and make them strive to always be their best for others!

I'm thanking God today for my children's friends and future spouse :)

Peace and blessings,

"What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it." ~ C.S. Lewis

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