Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Let Them Fail

Good morning!

Today as my son was running late and driving away to school I thought about all the other kids and how they are getting adjusted to the new school year. No matter the age or grade of your child it takes them a while to get into their routines. One of the things we can do as parents as they enter into a new school year is help them succeed. I'm sure you're thinking... well course that's what we want to do as parents BUT sometimes helping them to succeed means letting them fail. Learning is the act of acquiring new knowledge about something. As parents, we want learning to be easy and pain free but some of the best lessons are not always easy.

If you constantly remind your child to return their library book to school and they don't then they will learn they can no longer check a new book out. It's OK, because they will return it the next time so they can get a new book. You have to remember it's not your responsibility to go to school and return it!  They really won't learn anything except you are protecting them from failing.

These little lessons are OK for them. It doesn't hurt them, they learn something and you are actually helping them succeed and be responsible in the future. This is only a little example of the many opportunities that you have to help your child learn. Every parent wants their child to be successful, independent and accepted but if we always protect them from failure or disappointments they will never take ownership of their own responsibilities.  Just remember...

"Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement." ~C.S. Lewis

Peace and blessings,

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