Thursday, March 5, 2015

Parents Need "Peeps"

Hello friends!

I was thinking about what we need to be successful in parenting. There is one simple answer..we can't do it alone!

As our children were growing we always wanted to make sure we surrounded them with godly people that could give them great advice and be mentors to them. Of course we are their parents and the number one advice givers but it's so important to have those friends and family members that can be there for them too. We liked to call those friends, "our peeps." Our children knew them as their youth ministers, church friends, teachers or family but to us they were "our peeps." The people who gave them godly advice, watched over them when they didn't think anyone was watching and gave us advice on how to parent them.

Now that my oldest daughter is married she has asked me to reveal my "peeps" but I don't think that's a good idea because there is still time for good parenting even at that age :) Besides we have other children that need the same benefits!

Peace and blessings,

                                       "It takes a whole village to raise a child." ~African Proverb

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