Thursday, March 12, 2015

Practice Gratitude

Good morning!

When children are little we teach them how to pray and talk to God. Then hopefully as they grow and mature their prayer life grows just as our relationship with Christ grows.

As moms we pray for our children all the time, we ask God to bestow blessing on them, help them and guide them but I was reminded recently in Philippians 4:6 this important message..." Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God."

The part that jumped out was, "with thanksgiving." As a parent I'm so thankful for my children but when I talk to God and ask him for help with my family, I want to make sure I do it with thanksgiving first! This is something we can teach our children to do when they pray. Giving thanksgiving before we ask for guidance teaches children even more about appreciating and trusting in him.

Gratitude is a discipline that we can practice and what a better way to practice it but in prayer :)

Peace and blessings,

                                         "A thankful heart is a happy heart." ~Unknown

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