Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Pay Off's a beautiful morning!

Today, I was thinking about consistency and effort... two words that come to mind when I think about  good, purposeful parenting.

As parents. our calling can be overwhelming and exhausting.  But, if we stay consistent with our guidance, expectations and will pay off!  So many times we just want to give in to something our child wants or we feel guilty because we are so busy, and we just want to make them happy and quiet!

This approach is a quick fix and will eventually backfire as they get older.  Hold your child accountable for their actions, teach them through the tough times and remember you are the parent and they really do need and want structure :) They actually thrive in it!

Peace and blessings,

                                  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
                                    Philippians 4:13

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