Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Just Laugh

I love sunny mornings!

It's really starting to feel like summer around here. The kids are home, the nights are later, and the house is a little messy :)

I remember wanting to always make the most of the summertime with my kids, so we made a deal. All chores or responsibilities needed to be finished by 11:00 if they wanted to swim or play outside.  It worked great for our house because we were early risers. They were so motivated to get everything completed, and then we would have lunch by the pool or play outside.  Goals like this are a great way to set your expectations for the summer and also give them a little needed structure to their day.

However, as much as good planning is important, not everyday will be a well run ship around the summer house.  There will always be chores that can wait or appointments that need to happen, but remember to enjoy these days with your kids and don't forget to laugh with them even when things don't go the way you planned.

I was reminded of this yesterday as I was starting my day and unknowingly placed my cup upside down  :)

"Live a good life and in the end it's not the years in a life, it's the life in the years."
Abraham Lincoln

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