Monday, June 9, 2014

Step Aside

Good morning friends!

This morning I just took a picture of our oldest daughter leaving for her first job in the "big world."
It was the same pose she had when I took her picture on the first day of preschool.  It's amazing to look back and reflect on her journey!

When your children are young let them know they can do anything they want to do or be anything they want to be but it takes a lot hard work on their part.  Throughout their education let them make mistakes, take learning risks and even push themselves harder than you can imagine.  That's when you begin to see complete ownership of their goals forming.  

As parents, we need to make sure we step aside... give them the freedom they need to grow, pursue their goals and create their own life God has planned for them.  Parenting looks and feels different at every stage of your child's development but as long as they know you are always there supporting and praying for them...their capabilities are endless!

Peace and blessings,
     "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."   ~Proverbs 16:9

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