Friday, June 13, 2014

Share More

Hello beautiful morning!

I was thinking about the blessings in my life today and how each of us have different gifts we can share.  Whether it's a talent, a skill, or a material possession.  When children are young, we always try to teach them to share their toys but as they get older, we also need to teach them to share themselves with others.

Our son has the amazing gift of patience and compassion so we have encouraged him to volunteer for a  camp this summer serving children with special needs.  I know he's going into it thinking he is doing service for others but in the end I think he will learn more than he anticipates. That's what's great about teaching your children to help others. It actually helps them love more, give bigger and appreciate better.  Setting your children up for these type of life experiences can have an everlasting impact on their lives.

When they are young it may be as simple as helping the older neighbor lady weed her garden or take her trash out but as your children get older, present opportunities for them to serve others.  Let them think of ways they can be Christ to one another.  Children are amazing little givers, they may surprise you with their great ideas :)

Peace and blessings,

"For it is in giving that we receive." ~ St. Francis of Assisi

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