Friday, April 18, 2014



As I sit here this morning of Good Friday, I'm reminded of the importance of quiet time. It's during the quiet moments that we have time with God, reflect on life, and dream. In today's busy world, we sometimes forget to let ourselves have that time or teach our children the importance of it. When children are young, their quiet time is usually nap time. However, it really is a good idea to teach them early on that quiet time is necessary for them too :) Not that they like that idea, but they will eventually embrace it, because it will become part of the daily structure they come to expect. Show them different examples of quiet time, like reading, praying, drawing, or listening to soft music. Depending on your child's personality, you'll know what fits them.

Each person in your house should have a special place where they have quiet time. For me, it's usually  early in the morning, listening to Audrey Assad and sitting in my favorite chair, but Jerry prefers a certain spot in the hearth room. My oldest daughter really likes being outside with the warmth of the sun on her, my other daughter prefers the solitude of her room, while my son can sit quietly contemplating and reading things at the table.

In this fast, busy, noisy world, we can teach our children that this special quiet time helps recharge their minds, gives them more energy, and teaches them appreciation for the people and things around them.
Every family has different dynamics in their household, but find what works for yours and enjoy it.

Peace and blessings,
             "Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done." 
              C.S. Lewis

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