Monday, October 13, 2014

Try The E Word!

Hello Monday!

The beginning of the week is always a slow start because we know it's the beginning of homework, practices, meetings, games, bedtimes, meals and stress! No matter how organized or well planned we are there is always something that comes up that can create a little more chaos!

As a parent the one thing that I've learned that doesn't help the family situation is... frustration! The more we get frustrated with the responsibilities the worse it gets.  However, the one thing I've learned along the way that works great is... encouragement!  We need it, our spouse needs it and our kids definitely need it!  When we're overwhelmed, tired and feel like we're failing it helps to hear encouraging words. It's like filling each other with a jolt of love :) and who doesn't need that!

When things get crazy this week, try to use encouraging words with one another and you might be surprised how much better it can make the week!

Peace and blessings,

"But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin."  ~Hebrews 3:13

Monday, October 6, 2014

Beautiful Reminders

Good Morning Monday!

As we enter into this fall season God reminds us even more of his infinite beauty!

In our everyday lives when things are challenging for our kids we need to remind them of the beauty and blessings in their own daily lives. God always has an amazing plan for our children but we as parents can get impatient and not trust him in the process.  I think one of the hardest things to do as parents is surrender.  We are so use to planning and controlling everything in their lives that we have to remember, we are really not in charge and God's plan is much bigger than we can imagine.

In our children's lives those things concerning friends, sports, jobs, dating, or school can seem very difficult for them but our role as parents is to teach them to be thankful for everything and prayerful about the things they need his help maneuvering through.  

Remind your children today of the beautiful things he has done in their lives :)

Peace and blessings,

"He has made everything beautiful in his time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."   ~Ecclesiastes 3:11

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Intentionally Growing

Good morning friends!

This past week I started praying even more about the purpose of this blog and our role as parents. As always, it's been my intention to help parents gain an understanding about healthy family life and purposeful parenting. So, I now have a "Garden For God" Facebook page in an effort to dialogue with you more, make it more convenient and give you an opportunity to write about things on your heart.  Your feedback is important to me on this journey and it also helps me grow as a parent more than you know :)

This poem spoke to me today and I wanted to share it with all of you..

Whoever makes a garden
Has, oh, so many friends;
The glory of the morning
The dew when sunlight ends.
For rain and wind and sunshine
And dew and fertile sod;
For he who makes a garden
Works hand in hand with God.
~Author Unknown

Peace and blessings,

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Be Fully Present

Good morning to a beautiful day!

Recently, I was having lunch with my family at a sandwich shop and my younger daughter noticed a family eating together but not really enjoying each other! The mom and dad were both looking at their phones and the kids were longing for their attention.

As parents, we not only model the expected behavior that we want from our children but we teach them what is important! Unfortunately, the message this situation was sending the children was their parent's emails, messages and phone calls were much more important. Not to mention, the behavior will probably be imitated by the children when they are old enough to have their own phones during a family gathering.

It's been said many times that families today do not have meals together. Even if you don't have a meal around your kitchen table it doesn't mean it's not a family meal.  Many lessons are learned and family bonding occurs at a table, whether in a restaurant, a picnic table or a patio table! Remember to always be fully present during these special times with your children. This is when you teach them how to communicate, appreciate and love one another. They grow up fast so don't miss the opportunity to teach them during this special time. They will cherish these moments, remember them and eventually recreate them in their own homes :)

Peace and blessings,

"There is no doubt that it is around the family, and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of humans, are created, strengthened and maintained." ~Winston Churchill

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Let Them Fail

Good morning!

Today as my son was running late and driving away to school I thought about all the other kids and how they are getting adjusted to the new school year. No matter the age or grade of your child it takes them a while to get into their routines. One of the things we can do as parents as they enter into a new school year is help them succeed. I'm sure you're thinking... well course that's what we want to do as parents BUT sometimes helping them to succeed means letting them fail. Learning is the act of acquiring new knowledge about something. As parents, we want learning to be easy and pain free but some of the best lessons are not always easy.

If you constantly remind your child to return their library book to school and they don't then they will learn they can no longer check a new book out. It's OK, because they will return it the next time so they can get a new book. You have to remember it's not your responsibility to go to school and return it!  They really won't learn anything except you are protecting them from failing.

These little lessons are OK for them. It doesn't hurt them, they learn something and you are actually helping them succeed and be responsible in the future. This is only a little example of the many opportunities that you have to help your child learn. Every parent wants their child to be successful, independent and accepted but if we always protect them from failure or disappointments they will never take ownership of their own responsibilities.  Just remember...

"Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement." ~C.S. Lewis

Peace and blessings,

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

More Than Just Thank You

Good morning!

One of our responsibilities as a parent is to help our children understand the concept of appreciation.  The obvious form of appreciation for children is saying thank you but it's far deeper than that and as parents we have to explain that to our children.  We do so much for them they can unknowingly begin to expect certain things so it's our job to help them understand what real appreciation means.

Children need to be aware of the worth of things and have an full understanding of any situation that you expect them to show thankfulness.  Even in the small things you do daily, explain to them so they understand what your intent and purpose is for doing something.

Remember, you can't expect them to appreciate something they don't understand.  Guilt doesn't make them appreciate things more, it makes them resent things more.  Talk, explain, demonstrate and have them occasionally do some of the things you normally do for them so they know how much work it is then... they can understand :)

"Knowing how things work is the basis for appreciation, and thus is a source of civilized delight."
                                                                                                                                           William Safire

Peace and blessings,

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Change is Good :)

Hi friends!

Well it's been over a month since I've written and a lot has changed!  Two weeks ago our oldest daughter got married, we gained an amazing son-in-law, our other daughter moved back to college and our son started his junior year in high school.  The only thing that I know to write about currently is CHANGE :)

Every parent goes through it and every stage and season are significant!  Whether your child is starting preschool, high school or moving off to college it brings about new feelings and emotions.  I believe that in each stage God is preparing us for the next one.  I've learned many things throughout the process of these changes and milestones.

First, take everything in and don't miss a beat. Every conversation and every event be fully present in that moment. Next, talk about the event or special occasion after it's over so you can reflect on it as a family. Then, after the realization that your life is slowly changing and your children are getting older...embrace the stage and be excited for the new things to come!  God has amazing plans for you and your family so just remember...

"For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future."       Jeremiah 29:11

Peace and blessings,

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Reflect with Me

Good Morning!

Last night I was thinking about our meal time prayer and how we not only ask Him to bless the food but we thank Him for things that happened throughout the day.  Obviously, this is a great practice but I started thinking about it in a bigger way.  I was trying to make a mental list of  everything I have dreamed about since I was a child and how God has made it all happen!  Well, I fell asleep thinking about it  so when I woke up this morning I decided I was going to take an afternoon this week and write it all down...I think it will be a pretty big list :)

Today, ask your child what they are thankful for but don't just stop there! Stretch their minds to think about what are thankful for over a longer period of time than just today. Teach them to reflect. If they are school age, ask them how God worked in their lives this school year. You can ask them to be specific and maybe even turn it into a fun activity with poster board and markers. If they are much younger, ask them about yesterday or last week. Children tend to live in the moment but teaching them about "reflection time" brings about a greater appreciation of God and his amazing work in our lives!

Peace and blessings,

"So while it is true that Thanksgiving only comes but once a year, we should actually celebrate thanks each and every day.  It's just a matter of learning to live with a spirit of gratitude." ~Unknown

Monday, June 23, 2014

Forever Friends

Good morning friends!

Wow!  It's been a busy weekend of festivities with the upcoming wedding in August. Our daughter Abby and her future husband Jimmy are having a very large wedding party and I was reminded this weekend when I saw them all together the importance of good friends in your children's lives.

As parents, we play a huge role in helping them understand what true friends are and model that in our own friendships.  Throughout your child's development,  teach them the necessary social skills to interact with others in a loving and respectful way. Pray they are surrounded by faith-filled people who always have their best interest in mind and make sure you talk to your child about the qualities of a good friend.  Children need to understand that their dearest friends should always be people who bring out the best in them and make them strive to always be their best for others!

I'm thanking God today for my children's friends and future spouse :)

Peace and blessings,

"What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it." ~ C.S. Lewis

Friday, June 13, 2014

Share More

Hello beautiful morning!

I was thinking about the blessings in my life today and how each of us have different gifts we can share.  Whether it's a talent, a skill, or a material possession.  When children are young, we always try to teach them to share their toys but as they get older, we also need to teach them to share themselves with others.

Our son has the amazing gift of patience and compassion so we have encouraged him to volunteer for a  camp this summer serving children with special needs.  I know he's going into it thinking he is doing service for others but in the end I think he will learn more than he anticipates. That's what's great about teaching your children to help others. It actually helps them love more, give bigger and appreciate better.  Setting your children up for these type of life experiences can have an everlasting impact on their lives.

When they are young it may be as simple as helping the older neighbor lady weed her garden or take her trash out but as your children get older, present opportunities for them to serve others.  Let them think of ways they can be Christ to one another.  Children are amazing little givers, they may surprise you with their great ideas :)

Peace and blessings,

"For it is in giving that we receive." ~ St. Francis of Assisi

Monday, June 9, 2014

Step Aside

Good morning friends!

This morning I just took a picture of our oldest daughter leaving for her first job in the "big world."
It was the same pose she had when I took her picture on the first day of preschool.  It's amazing to look back and reflect on her journey!

When your children are young let them know they can do anything they want to do or be anything they want to be but it takes a lot hard work on their part.  Throughout their education let them make mistakes, take learning risks and even push themselves harder than you can imagine.  That's when you begin to see complete ownership of their goals forming.  

As parents, we need to make sure we step aside... give them the freedom they need to grow, pursue their goals and create their own life God has planned for them.  Parenting looks and feels different at every stage of your child's development but as long as they know you are always there supporting and praying for them...their capabilities are endless!

Peace and blessings,
     "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."   ~Proverbs 16:9

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Candy Bar Concept

Good morning friends!

As I reflect and pray this morning, I am so thankful for something my husband Jerry used to tell the kids.  "Always give your brother and sister the best, and always be happy for them."  He would go on to explain, "If you have a candy bar that you're sharing, give them the bigger half." In a self-serving society, this is often a foreign concept to children, but teaching them selflessness in small ways is key to  Christian living. This is a philosophy that we have carried through our parenting and we are seeing our children live out!

As we prepare for the upcoming wedding of our oldest daughter Abby, I'm watching the other kids continue to give and help with everything.  They are so happy, excited, and thankful for this time in her life!  Even when they don't feel like helping with preparations, they do it anyway because they want to give her their best!

Teach your children this little concept and watch them apply it to everything they do at the different stages of their lives; it will not only make you smile, but God loves a cheerful giver too :)

Peace and blessings,

     "It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving."
Mother Teresa

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Just Laugh

I love sunny mornings!

It's really starting to feel like summer around here. The kids are home, the nights are later, and the house is a little messy :)

I remember wanting to always make the most of the summertime with my kids, so we made a deal. All chores or responsibilities needed to be finished by 11:00 if they wanted to swim or play outside.  It worked great for our house because we were early risers. They were so motivated to get everything completed, and then we would have lunch by the pool or play outside.  Goals like this are a great way to set your expectations for the summer and also give them a little needed structure to their day.

However, as much as good planning is important, not everyday will be a well run ship around the summer house.  There will always be chores that can wait or appointments that need to happen, but remember to enjoy these days with your kids and don't forget to laugh with them even when things don't go the way you planned.

I was reminded of this yesterday as I was starting my day and unknowingly placed my cup upside down  :)

"Live a good life and in the end it's not the years in a life, it's the life in the years."
Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Teaching Integrity

What a beautiful morning!

As I was thinking about the end of the school year, children being home more, and summer activities, I thought of an important word to focus on over summer break...integrity! The concept of teaching your children about doing the right think in all circumstances even when no one is watching.

As parents, we try to always model integrity, but we don't always explain to our children what it is or give them concrete examples. Try to point out situations or people that are doing the right thing so they have a visual and an understanding of the concept.  Then explain to them why it's so important.

Several years ago, when I was doing a lot of interviewing for new teachers, I would complete the interview with the question: "Can you define integrity?" Surprisingly enough, some adults had a hard time putting this concept into words.

So today, ask them questions, gauge your child's knowledge of the subject, and make it your family word for the summer.  You'll be glad you did :)

Peace and blessings,

"With courage you will dare to take risk, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble.  Courage is the foundation of integrity."
~ Mark Twain

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Happy Thursday!

As I walked around my gardens this morning, I was struck by so much growth! I'm amazed how fast my vegetable garden has taken off... I have so much cilantro and my romaine lettuce!  I'll be bringing salad to all the weekend festivities :)

Much like my garden is growing so quickly, I feel the same with my children. Every time I look at them they seem older, taller, and wiser. As they grow into the adults God created them to be, I too am trying to grow in my parenting.  Sometimes my husband and I just look at each other and smile, thinking...what do we have here?

Just as we prepare our gardens for growth, God prepares each of us for the next season of life.  He prepares our hearts for them to take the next steps; he prepares their minds and bodies for their futures.

As your children step into the next stage, whatever transition time it may be...preschool to grade school, grade school to high school,  high school to college or even college to marriage...make sure you transition with them!  Take some time in the morning to reflect on the past, but more importantly, pray for the future and the new adventures and memories that await your family.

Peace and blessings,

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".
Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, May 19, 2014

Let Them Inspire You

As I sit here this morning, I'm thinking about the whirlwind weekend we've had with our family.
We just celebrated the graduation of our oldest daughter from college. As I sat there during the ceremony, I was reflecting on all the hard work, sacrifice, time, service, and passion our Abby put into the degree she just earned!  I was sad that she was already finished because it meant life was going so fast, but I was also overwhelmed with massive pride!  I was trying to process all the emotions, festivities, and memories we were was just too much to take in.

On our drive home, I took a letter out of my purse that our daughter had given us.  I knew I needed to be in a private place to read it and that God would provide just the right time.  As I read the beautifully written letter, the message was so clear...God was inspiring me through my own child. God gives us these children to teach us about life and I learned so much from that letter.

I learned that every act of love you do for your kids...they remember and appreciate.
I learned that every sacrifice you make...they know.
I learned that all they really want in life is to make you proud because it's the only way they know how to repay you!

In those times when you feel like you are working so hard as a parent, just know...It is making a difference. They are listening, and if you listen, they will inspire you!

Peace and blessings,

    "Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven."
     Henry Ward Beecher

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Hi everyone...

Today I was thinking about something my husband, Jerry, always says. Since they were little, he has told the kids, "Never miss the opportunity to make someone's day!" I love that philosophy and approach to life, which is probably why I married him :) As parents, there are so many things we need to teach them but this simple little idea can make a huge difference in their lives and the lives of others.

I was reminded of this on Mother's Day. Jerry and the kids worked so hard to make the day special and it was great! Children love giving if you teach them how, even if it's just the gift of time, the gift of listening, or the gift of love. Ask your children whose day they can make today and teach them how, no matter how small the act of kindness is. If it comes from their couldn't be any better!

Peace and blessings,

"Each of you must give what you have decided in your heart, not with regret or under compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Pay Off's a beautiful morning!

Today, I was thinking about consistency and effort... two words that come to mind when I think about  good, purposeful parenting.

As parents. our calling can be overwhelming and exhausting.  But, if we stay consistent with our guidance, expectations and will pay off!  So many times we just want to give in to something our child wants or we feel guilty because we are so busy, and we just want to make them happy and quiet!

This approach is a quick fix and will eventually backfire as they get older.  Hold your child accountable for their actions, teach them through the tough times and remember you are the parent and they really do need and want structure :) They actually thrive in it!

Peace and blessings,

                                  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
                                    Philippians 4:13

Monday, May 5, 2014

Keeping It Positve

Good morning, beautiful sunshine!

Today I was thinking about the importance of positive reinforcement - not only in parenting, but in other aspects of your child's development. Our kids are involved with lots of sports and activities and it's our role to not only encourage, teach, and love our children unconditionally, but also to make sure the people they are spending time with outside of your home do the same.

During the years our daughter was playing a lot of volleyball, we were so blessed to have a faith-filled coach that mimicked our parenting style on and off the court. She not only taught the game, but also nurtured, loved, and respected her.

Whatever mentors they are spending time with in sports, the classroom, or other activities, make sure it's a good fit for your child and they are helping them grow in a positive way!

Children all have certain gifts, and it's our job to figure out what they are. Then, we can put people in their lives that support and care for that gift! It is so comforting for the other adults in your child's life to reinforce what you are doing in the home. I thank God for all of those people in my family's life. You know who you are ;)

Peace and blessings,

"Love never fails."
1 Corinthians 13:8

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Soak Up The Memories

Goodbye April and Hello May!

Welcome to crazy May :) During this time of spring, we are so busy with end-of-the-school-year commitments, work, sports, graduations, yard work, housework, and the everyday life of parenting.

How can we get everything done? The answer is simple: we probably won't! But, it's OK! In the midst of the craziness, our job is to prioritize, stop to soak up the memories, pray a little more, and enjoy.

Sometimes we are so busy running and doing that we forget to truly be present in the memories that we are creating. Take out your camera for a picture, type a cherished moment on your phone, love on your family, and really soak it up! These wildly busy times come and go, and it's easy to pass up the beauty that exists in the midst of them.

Peace and blessings,

"This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24

Monday, April 28, 2014

Growing In Prayer

Happy Monday!

As I sit here this morning reflecting on my weekend,  I'm reminded on a special moment I had with my niece, Megan.  She just celebrated her First Communion and she was so excited!  I gave her a child's devotional, and after she opened it, she took me to her room and showed me where she wanted to place it...right next to her Bible on her prayer table!!  It was such a beautiful little spot and one that she was so proud to share :)

Not every child makes their own prayer table in their room but every child needs to know the importance of prayer and thanksgiving. As children grow, give them opportunities that will help them grow in their prayer life too, even if it's not a traditional approach. Try a prayer board in your house, Christian music playing in the car, a daily devotional via email, or a nightly Bible reading for the family. Offering them different opportunities to connect with God, allows them to express and grow in their own prayer life, no matter how old they are.  For example, lately I've been texting our son a daily picture of my morning devotional.  He doesn't admit it, but I think he might just appreciate it :)

Peace and blessings,

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
Philippians 4:6

Friday, April 25, 2014

Help Them Serve

Good morning,

One of the best things my oldest daughter said to me recently was that she was thankful I made them do things for themselves when they were younger.

I was always a working mom and at times a student, so our house relied on the team approach. As a young, busy teacher and mom with a very hard working husband, we had to teach our children to be independent learners and help one another. What does that mean? Teach them to do things for themselves and be proud of what they accomplished. Then teach them to use those learned skills to serve others. Even if it means making peanut butter sandwiches for their siblings' lunches, folding socks to help with laundry, or pulling weeds in the garden.

Just teach them some of the small tasks you do for the family. Children love to emulate their parents, and if they feel like they are contributing to the well being of the family and serving one another, that's even better :)

Peace and blessings,

"To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children.  Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others."
Pope John Paul II

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Date Night

Hi everybody :)

I've been thinking and praying about what to write today and after checking my email, I was inspired by a question from a mom regarding balance.  God knows this is not an easy thing for any of us but sometimes we just try to do too much :)

When I think about balancing life, I think about the one thing that helped the most and put everything else in perspective and that was date night!! Let me explain my version of date night.  It wasn't a family function or friendly commitment that we needed to attend.  Those were considered things we had on our calendar but date night just involved the two of us spending quality time together.  It could be dinner, a movie, drinks or long talks somewhere we enjoyed. This date night resulted in so many benefits for our whole family.  It made us better communicators with each other, it gave us time to understand, reconnect and respect one another better, it set a precedent that the kids expected, and it made us better parents because we had that time to renew ourselves for them.  Even in the busiest times, we always made sure to get a babysitter. This one night a week, not only gave us time together but it gave us time away from work, it gave us a break from being parents and it gave us time as a couple to pray and dream about our future.

There will always be house chores, volunteer work, parenting and other commitments to balance but making your marriage a priority gives you and your kids the best gift ever!

Peace and blessings,

"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things".
1 Corinthians 13:7

Monday, April 21, 2014

Job Jar

Good morning!

I hope everyone had a beautiful Easter with their families!

As I sit here this morning planning my day and making my list, I look around and see the aftermath of a
wonderful Easter celebrated together.  The kids are still sleeping, the house is a mess and I have a few chores I would like to do before everyone goes back to school tomorrow.

As I do this, I'm reminded of an activity I did with my kids when they were younger.  I called it "Job Jar" and it was an attempt to get some chores done and have fun with the kids all at the same time.  I still have my "Job Jar" and I'm thinking about breaking it out this morning...they will love it ;)  Now that they are older, they know my plan to get some work out of them but when they were younger, they really did love it!!  Here's how it works... I write all the job that need to be done on small pieces of paper with a dollar amount by it, they are placed in the jar and each child picks one out.  They race to get the job finished, pick another job and continue until all the jobs are finished.  In the end, they add up the small dollar amounts on the jobs, compare their profits, and plan their purchases.  We then head to the Dollar Store for the ultimate shopping experience :)  It makes for a fun day and a good way to get a few extra jobs done that aren't their regular expected chores.  Have fun together today!

P.S. Trades are allowed!

Peace and blessings,

Friday, April 18, 2014


Hi again...

I wanted to take this time to thank everyone who has been reading my blog and encouraging me to keep writing :) I appreciate it more than you know! As I said in the beginning, this blog was a book and a dream, and now I'm praying daily that I can encourage moms and dads in their parenting through my blogging. I know that God is inspiring me to inspire you, just like I've been inspired on my parenting journey :) That being said, I would love to hear from each of you! Let me know what I can write about to better serve you and your family. Since I've started writing, I've added a "Contact Me" area on the right side of the blog to do this, as well as a "Follow By Email" option to sign up for email alerts whenever I post.

This past week I really wanted you to get to know my family and me and some foundational things that I find so important in purposeful parenting. That's why I started this writing journey with the importance of reading (Read With Me) and modeling (Let Them See You). And then the importance of focusing on time (Seize The Moment), individual gifts (No Two Flowers Are The Same) and family fun (The "Why" Game). These are some important pieces to parenting, but obviously not the only things.  It was just a good starting point, but we haven't even touched on discipline, chores, expectations, or communication...just to name a few :) As I said, I'm letting God guide me on my daily writings so that the topics will be an eclectic collection to reach all parents, regardless of the age of their children or their family structure.

Parenting is about hard work and consistency. Personally, I'm at a point in my life where I can be reflective in my parenting, but I don't want to give the impression that my parenting path could have been wrapped up into pretty little blog posts along the way. I read, I watched, and I asked to learn more. So whether you're in the midst of diapers and preschoolers or traveling weekly for sports and choosing a high school, just know that you are loved, thought of often, and prayed for daily. The calling of a parent is not an easy one, but God is forever grateful to you for leading them to Him.

Peace and blessings,
"God loves me. I'm not here just to fill a place, just to be a number. He has chosen me for a purpose.  I know it."
Mother Teresa



As I sit here this morning of Good Friday, I'm reminded of the importance of quiet time. It's during the quiet moments that we have time with God, reflect on life, and dream. In today's busy world, we sometimes forget to let ourselves have that time or teach our children the importance of it. When children are young, their quiet time is usually nap time. However, it really is a good idea to teach them early on that quiet time is necessary for them too :) Not that they like that idea, but they will eventually embrace it, because it will become part of the daily structure they come to expect. Show them different examples of quiet time, like reading, praying, drawing, or listening to soft music. Depending on your child's personality, you'll know what fits them.

Each person in your house should have a special place where they have quiet time. For me, it's usually  early in the morning, listening to Audrey Assad and sitting in my favorite chair, but Jerry prefers a certain spot in the hearth room. My oldest daughter really likes being outside with the warmth of the sun on her, my other daughter prefers the solitude of her room, while my son can sit quietly contemplating and reading things at the table.

In this fast, busy, noisy world, we can teach our children that this special quiet time helps recharge their minds, gives them more energy, and teaches them appreciation for the people and things around them.
Every family has different dynamics in their household, but find what works for yours and enjoy it.

Peace and blessings,
             "Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done." 
              C.S. Lewis

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The "Why" Game

Good morning!

One of the best things that Jerry, my husband and best buddy, did when the kids were growing up and  we were driving in the car was pose the most interesting and intriguing questions.  I have to admit that there were times I would have rather listen to the radio, but it taught them so many random facts! He might ask them, "Why do some bridges have steel cables?", Why are water towers so tall?", or "Are all cows the same?"  This "why" game would go on for quite a while because he was really trying to teach them problem solving skills.  The kids would take turns guessing answers and Jerry would give them hints and ideas to the correct answer. Then, they would ask him to give them another one:)

Don't forget to play the "why" game with your children.... It not only helps with problem solving but it encourages higher level thinking, parent child interaction and communication.  It doesn't have to be anything profound! Kids find the most unique facts interesting! My Molly just told me the other day that she knew the difference between a gas engine and a diesel engine!
I'm so proud:)

Peace and blessings,

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

No Two Flowers Are The Same

Good morning everyone,

In a beautiful bouquet of flowers, each one has a different characteristic or detail, even if they are the same kind of flower. Each one of your children has unique personalities, talents, and gifts. As parents, we know that and recognize the differences. However, sometimes we forget to teach our children that God has given them individual gifts and to help them discover those little presents. Talk to all of your children about their individual gifts and how they can use each one of them for good. For example, each of my children have a unique learning style and approach to acquiring knowledge. So, I have taught them to embrace their style. For instance, my oldest daughter has the gift of an amazing memory. She can read something once and remember all of the little details; she is a note taker and list maker. My middle daughter was given the gift of art. She will listen to a lecture in college and draw the most fascinating notes in color. She doesn't use pens and notebook paper, she uses colored pencils, markers, and a sketch pad. My son was given the gift of patience and flexibility. Depending on the subject matter, he can modify his approach to learning the material because he has adopted some of each one of his sister's approaches. He analyzes the material and patiently decides his best approach for learning it. Each child's gifts are so special and intricate! God has a reason for giving them each quality, and our job is to nurture those gifts along their journey. They need to know that each gift is special and how to use it. Enjoy your day:)

Peace and blessings,

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."  James 1:17

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Seize The Moment

Good morning!

On an average day, you are probably waking your kids up for school, helping them find their clothes, feeding them, making their lunches, and taking them to school. All at the same time, you're getting yourself ready for work and presentable to the public:) Parents are amazing!!

Some parents think teaching only happens in the classroom or during special moments at the kitchen table during a fabulous family dinner. However, some of the best teaching happens in the midst of everyday situations. Those little conversations we have in the car, the moments at the store, or those times spent together doing house chores are all perfect opportunities to teach your child. Everything we model, everything they see and hear, are all mini learning lessons for them. So, seize the moment to stop and explain something, point out a detail or let your child learn through picking something up and analyzing it. It only takes a few extra minutes to create a memory, and memories create learning experiences!

Peace and blessings,

"Yesterday is gone.  Tomorrow has yet to come.  We have only today.  Let us begin."
Mother Teresa

Monday, April 14, 2014

Let Them See You

Hi friends,

One of the best things you can do for your child is to let them see you learning new things and challenging yourself. It is so important to be a life long learner, and it's equally important that you model that for your children, since they are constantly learning new things in school. They respect you for taking the risk and making yourself vulnerable to them! And if it's a challenge you can take on with your spouse, that's even better! Allowing your children to witness the two of you working together on a project is invaluable to them. So today, think about trying a new recipe even though carryout sounds easier, training for a 5K when you hate running, or planting a vegetable garden when you know that the deer are going to eat half of them! And when your husband constructs a faux greenhouse to protect them, be grateful that you have different strengths ;)

Peace and blessings,

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."
Chinese Proverb

Read With Me

Hi everyone,

I know you've heard this so many times but it's worth a reminder :)

We need to teach our children the love of reading.  It doesn't mean that you put them in the local summer reading program or mandate special reading time in the home. What it does mean is that based on your family lifestyle or dynamics, you create a way to model reading and make it something they desire. I have a great memory when I was little of going to this old historic library and picking out so many books. My mom was an avid reader and always enjoyed sharing the library with me.

Your approach to teaching your children the love of reading can be done in so many different and unique ways. Creativity is the key! Think of situations that involve reading and then think about how to incorporate something they love to do with reading. Here's a quick example: My son and I recently spent the day together shopping and doing errands. I needed to pick up a book at Barnes and Noble, so he went in with me and I told him it would be just a few minutes. He loves coffee, so I told him to grab one at the Starbucks in the store. He soon found me in the cookbook section and decided he would go to the sports section. He is an avid golfer, and before he knew it, he was immersed in the golf books and had three in his hand.  We agreed on one golf book and left the store filled with the excitement of reading it, along with the desire to buy the other ones in the future. I never told him we had to go to the book store and find some books to read. He works very hard in school and always has a lot of homework so that probably wouldn't have sounded appealing to him.  It was a very natural approach that resulted in a good experience. Make sure to purposely plan things like this to give your child good experiences with books and reading. I know that not all children love to read, or feel confident in their abilities, but if we can make it something fun, purposeful, and meaningful to their life, they will appreciate it.

Peace and blessings,

"Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him."
Maya Angelou

What's with the blog title?

Hello again,

You may be wondering why I decided to call this blog A Garden For God. I've always been an avid gardener with a passion for watching my flowers grow through nurturing and caring...and eventually, cutting them when they are ready and presenting them in a beautiful vase for the table.  This same concept holds true with the children God has entrusted to us. We are given these beautiful children on earth to love, nurture, care and cultivate, only to eventually present them back to God at his table. Parenting isn't always easy, it takes a lot of hard work and consistency. As we journey together through this blog, I believe I can give you practical advice, encouragement, and meaningful ideas that will enhance your parenting.

Peace and blessings,

"A garden requires patience labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them."
Liberty Hyde Bailey

Let's get to know each other :)

Good morning readers!

My name is Lesa Keeven and I am a wife, parent, teacher, and former administrator.  Ten years ago, I began writing a parenting book after an early morning coffee conversation with my sister. She was expecting her first child in four months, so we began discussing parenting, discipline, education, and the amazing gift from God that was about to arrive. After I got off the phone and poured myself another cup of coffee, I began reflecting on the conversation.  The phrase, "Parent Me, Please" popped in my head and I thought, "This is the beginning of a great book." Years before, I had considered writing a book for new teachers, but as my career path continued, I began teaching and mentoring so much that my ideas never made it to paper. So, it was then, after the coffee chat with my sister,  I knew that I needed to begin writing. After all, parents are their child's first teachers!

As I sit here today and reread the words I wrote years ago, I realize that my nephew just celebrated his 10th birthday, my sister now has two other beautiful children, and life has been very busy. My oldest daughter, Abby, is 22 years old and getting married in August. My Molly is 20 and in her second year of college, and my baby Drew is 16.  This past weekend, my daughters and I attended an amazing women's retreat.  It was something I had wanted to do with my girls before the wedding. As the weekend progressed, so did my conversations, prayers, and dreams.  One of the conversations I had was with an amazing speaker and writer. I told her about my book, and she recommended a blog. I pondered the thought on my way home, prayed about it, and began discussing the possibility with my girls.

Ten years ago, God placed the idea on my heart! Now ten years later, the book has become a blog, the dream has become bigger, and I have more years of parenting knowledge and experience to share with you. I'm excited for this journey, and I pray that you may find meaning in my words.

Peace and blessings,

"He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." Ecclesiastes 3:11